Canvases are enhanced by hand and signed by the artist
After the disastrous Battle of Kasserine Pass, there was a shortage of M-4 Sherman replacement tanks in the desert theater. 'H' Company, 3rd BN, 1st Armored Regiment was re-equipped with the M-3 'Lee/Grant' medium tank in the interim until replacements were available.
In this new action-based piece by military artist Brian Bateman, a column of M-3 Lee/Grant tanks create a commotion within a dusty advance in pursuit of the retreating Germans; regrouping after the disastrous battles in early 1943. Equipped with Lee/Grants due to the heavy losses, P-38Fs of the 94th FS fly low and fast over the advancing columns toward the front line in search of targets of opportunity. What is left of a hasty German retreat is a derelict Kubelwägen which sits burned out where it was hit, becoming part of the carnage of a hard fought and bitter desert campaign. Casualties in the desert war were high on both sides in both men and machines, and the turning direction of the campaign hastens the retreat of the Germans in Africa and on through Italy.