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Reaching for the Stars by Alan Bean

Reaching for the Stars by Alan Bean (Apollo)
Reaching for the Stars by Alan Bean (Apollo)
Reaching for the Stars by Alan Bean (Apollo)
Reaching for the Stars by Alan Bean (Apollo)
Reaching for the Stars by Alan Bean (Apollo)
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In his book Apollo: An Eyewitness Account, Alan Bean says of Reaching for the Stars, "In one sense this is a painting of a universal astronaut, symbolizing everyone who flew in Mercury, Gemini, Apollo...  >Read More
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Notice the textures that Alan Bean creates using moon boots and other exploratory instruments. Your canvas is similarly textured!
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Astronauts signed by their crew listings.
Prints are signed by the artist and numbered

  • 1,500 Limited Edition Textured Canvas Giclées....$2,200
  • 27 3/8" x 34 3/8"
  • Signed by twenty-four veteran astronauts from the
    Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, and Apollo-Soyuz space missions
    In his book Apollo: An Eyewitness Account, Alan Bean says of Reaching for the Stars, "In one sense this is a painting of a universal astronaut, symbolizing everyone who flew in Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, and Apollo-Soyuz. It also represents those who fly on space shuttles and will fly on a space station and on future missions only dreamed about at this time. The astronaut is an emissary of us all, soaring away from our planet earth... But in a broader view [Reaching for the Stars symbolizes] all of us who posses a dedicated and adventurous spirit no matter what our interests or age."


  • Buzz ALDRIN (Gemini 12, Apollo 11 & Skylab 3)
  • Alan L. BEAN (Apollo 12 & Skylab 3)
  • M. Scott CARPENTER (Mercury 7)
  • Gerald P. CARR (Skylab 4)
  • Charles "Pete" CONRAD (Gemini 5, Gemini 11, Apollo 12 & Skylab 2)
  • L. Gordon COOPER, JR. (Mercury 9, Gemini 5 & Apollo 7)
  • Walter CUNNINGHAM (Apollo 7)
  • Charles M. DUKE, Jr. (Apollo 16)
  • Owen K. GARRIOTT (Skylab 3 & Spacelab 1)
  • Edward G. GIBSON (Skylab 4)
  • John H. GLENN, Jr. (Mercury 6 & STS-95)
  • Richard F. GORDON, Jr. (Gemini 11 & Apollo 12)
  • Fred W. HAISE, Jr. (Apollo 13)
  • James A. LOVELL (Gemini 7, Gemini 12, Apollo 8 & Apollo 13)
  • Jack R. LOUSMA (Skylab 3, STS-3)
  • James A. McDIVITT (Gemini 4 & Apollo 9
  • Edgar D. MITCHELL (Apollo 14)
  • William R. POGUE (Skylab 4)
  • Walter M SCHIRRA, Jr. (Mercury 9, Gemini 3, Gemini 6 & Apollo 7)
  • Russell L. SCHWEICKART (Apollo 9 & Skylab 3)
  • Alan B. SHEPARD, Jr. (Mercury 3 & Apollo 14)
  • Thomas P. STAFFORD (Gemini 6, Gemini 9, Apollo 10 & Apollo-Soyuz
  • Paul J. WEITZ (Skylab 2, STS-6)
  • Alfred M. WORDEN (Apollo 15)
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